


When I got started as a life coach, a client gave me some writing about the changes she experienced through 90-day coaching sessions, written in chronological order. It impressed me more than testimonials from my clients, because it expressed accurately what happened through our coaching sessions.


Therefore I told a client that I would like to write about changing clients’ lives through coaching sessions.The client said instantly “Sure, I will write it!”.
As far as I knew, there were many books that were written by coaches but not by clients, so it was a new thing and I was excited. I like to do things that other people haven’t done before. It was the beginning of Hitomism.


After that it only took a week to complete. I turned over the page with excitement, and I was amazed at her saying that “Hitomism 2,3,4,5…. must continue to be written by those who have suddenly changed their lives.”
I thought I’d like to continue editing essays and to publish them on my website every year.



Hitomism1 was completed by clients without my editing. I didn’t have to edit it, because it was already so good.


But when I made Hitomism2 in 2010, some clients said they were bad at writing, so I helped them to write and edit it. I was worried about my editing skills, so I asked my client who is a therapist named Yasuko to proofread. Although the sentences were not directly expressed by clients, she seemed to be able to sense feelings that I couldn’t sense. So I learned from her. Thanks to her, these works deepened and the experience made me realize that I only listened to the surface of words and not what was actually being expressed.

そのころ、多くのクライアントさんは、私がアパレル時代にセールスアップに貢献したという理由で、コーチングを依頼されました。依頼してくださることはありがたいことでもありますが、同時に、ビジネスのテーマしか扱えない自分のコーチングスキルにも不安を抱いていました。ビジネスでどう成果を出すのか? その秘訣を知りたいという方もいらっしゃいました。しかし私は、ビジネス、成果、ノウハウというような観点だけでは、これからの時代、発展していけないんじゃないかと感じていたのです。そこで「ノウハウよりも、心のあり方に目を向けてほしい」と伝えたくて、『ひとみずむ2』では、ビジネスの話半分、マインドの話半分という構成を意識して創ることにしました。

Many clients asked for my coaching sessions because I had contributed to an increase in sales as an apparel shop manager. At the same time, I was worried about that I only knew a method of business coaching.As I got better result for business, some clients were curious to know about how to improve their business. I thought that getting “know-how” wasn’t the only important thing. I felt that just “know-how” might not develop business in the near future.
I wanted to tell them that it’s important to pay more attention to a state of mind rather than just “know-how”, therfore the structure of Hitomism 2 is half business stories and half personal stories.


When Hitomism2 was completed, I felt a sense of satisfaction, but a lot had happened that made me think I was still inexperienced. Sometime my positive remarks unintentionally hurt my clients’ feelings sometimes, and so I aimed at holding more neutral sessions. After that my session changed dramatically and it is reflected in Hitomism3. It was evolving into a deeper phase.


For example, I said to a client, “It’s neither yours nor your partners fault” in
“Living apart from a partner (44)” and I realized that I had evolved.
Though I had tended to be positive in the past, I have gradually begun using a neutral viewpoint and you can see how I have changed my approach to clients through out Hitomism3. Not being too positive, just being neutral is the key point to bringing out the best in my clients.
I came to realize that bad feelings aren’t wrong and you have to let them “run their course” if you want to “get over it” fully.
Through my sessions, I noticed my viewpoint had been biased and through trial and error I arrived at my current state of mind.

「心で見なくちゃものごとはよく見えないっていうこと。たいせつなことは、目にみえないんだよ 」という言葉を知り、セッションの中で、クライアントに見えていない真実を伝えられる事ができたらいいなと思い始めました。

Hitomism4 in 2012, I have begun to be interested in “The Little Prince.”
When I was a university student I read that book in French class, I couldn’t understand it in French, I read it again in Japanese and still I couldn’t understand at all.Recently I read it again and this time I cried while I read it.
“One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.” Now I have learnt this and I’ve begun to think that “the truth” that clients can not see I am now able to convey to them.


Up until this time, their changes occurred because of the differences in viewpoints between myself and them,it was personal differences which made them become aware of their feelings. I tried to see invisible things consciously and make them more tangible I looked for questions that I had not asked and feedback that I had not given before.


To find “the truth”, I have to sense not only the surface of words, but also the origin of these words. I have tried to listen with the heart and sense wishes from words. I began to stand on the same footing as the client and see the same world they see.


The changes that were written in Hitomism 4 are the essays about clients’ experiences of changing their beliefs.
For example, “Memory and the truth (52)” is an essay about how Yukari’s viewpoint of the past has changed. She thought she wasn’t loved by her mother but through our session she discovered that actually the truth was very different and that she was deeply loved by her mother.


In Me TOO(Hitomism5)written in 2013, I tried to sense the feelings of not only my clients but people connected with them too. “Bond (60)” is an essay about considering someone who is special to Yasuko.
There are many scenes in which the act of forgiving oneself leads to freedom and something happy comes from this.


The world is full of people blaming themselves for things that have happened in the past.The present is the most important, however, it is necessary to look back into one’s past, and be able to forgive oneself in order for the healing process to start. AS adults We should look back at ourselves in our childhood. Hitomism4, is about this inner child therapy.


In ME TOO(Hitomism5), there are many clients who have been taking my sessions for a long time and they now enjoy searching for the next stage in their life.
For example, in “Serendipity(59)” my role was to tell Nohara what she should aim for. This idea comes from my own experience and sometimes my client and I discover it together.
We are like mirrors that reflect our own image and I believe we are meant to meet some people and get inspiration for our lives from these people.


クライアントの願望が叶うシーンが続出することを願っています。『ひとみずむ』がいつ休刊になるのかはわかりませんが! 毎回、1年前のものとは、まったく違ったものが出来るのです。つまり、毎年創ることを決めている限り『ひとみずむ』は、進化していくでしょう。

I hope that many of my desires and my clients desires will be fulfilled, but I don’t know if Hitomism will ever come to a resting point. This is the opposite to what I felt when I started this journey a year ago. So Hitomism will change and continue to evolve as long as I decide to make “Hitomism” every year.


The clients who decide to write for Hitomism also change dramatically. They say that writing essays for this project is like a coaching session. I think so, too.
I reread and get them to rewrite the essays again and again so the initial piece and the final piece are totally different.
I believe that they are able to write better essays and express themselves better as they write more times. This process goes on and on but no one ever gives up.


I want them to be impressed by their own work and try to draw out their best writing skills to instill in them a strong sense of self confidence. In a way, I’m showing my sense of values though Hitomism.



To be honest, there was no deep meaning behind the title “Hitomism”, I’ve been wanting to change it but didn’t come up with a title which would fit until now. Hitomism is now in it’s fifth year, so I’ve decided to change the title.


The phrase “Me,too” has made an impression on me recently. I am going to an English conversation school and when I talked to an instructor about my trip to London, he chimed in with “Me,too”. It was very comfortable for me and I felt relaxed and I wanted to talk more.


It gave me inspiration. I talked about “Me,too” with my friends and it began to fit. I thought “Me,too” is important for me to have good communication with others. To build empathy is important when we have a dialogue, but “Me,too” means I have had the same experience, so I think it’s neutral and natural. Also “Me,too” is reassuring.


While reading the essays, you’ll find the idea of “Me, too” expressed everywhere, like “I did so, too” or “So do I”. I hope that you’ll like “Me,too”, too.
